Welcome to my blog, a sacred space for spiritual seekers.
I'm Annu Pandey(Asht Sakhi Vrind Devi Dasi), exploring the depths of Vaishnavism, Bhagavad Gita, and socio-spiritual topics. Join our community for insights, reflections, and practical wisdom. Let's navigate life's complexities with divine guidance.
करवा चौथ करवा चौथ एक प्रसिद्ध हिंदू त्योहार है, जो मुख्य रूप से उत्तर और पश्चिम भारत में मनाया जाता है। यह विवाहित महिलाओं द्वारा मनाया जाता...Read More
Image Source: The Complete List of 24 Avatars of Lord Vishnu The Original Cosmic Form At the onset of creation, Kṛṣṇa first revealed himsel...Read More
My daughter prepares a clay Ganapati every year, creates her own altar, decorates it beautifully, and prays to Lord Ganesha. Her younger bro...Read More
वामन देवता कौन थे और वामन द्वादशी क्यों मनाई जाती है? वामन देवता हिंदू धर्म के प्रमुख अवतारों में से एक माने जाते हैं। वामन भगवान विष्णु का ...Read More
Vamana Dwadashi, also known as the appearance day of Lord Vamanadeva, is a significant festival in the Hindu calendar, celebrated on the twe...Read More
When joining a new spiritual group, it’s natural to experience feelings of bliss, peace, and emotional upliftment. However, this bliss may n...Read More
The question of whether science can prove the existence of God is both complex and widely debated. Generally, the existence of God is consid...Read More
मैंने हमेशा सोचती थी कि कैसे भारतीय महिलाएं इतनी असुविधाजनक पोशाक—तंग ब्लाउज़, लंबी साड़ी, भारी गहने—को झेल पाती है?, खासकर हमारे गर्म और आ...Read More