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Papmochani Ekadashi fasting story

 Significance of Papmochani Ekadashi:

Arjuna said to Lord Krishna: O Madhusudan! You have explained in detail about Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Falgun month i.e. Amalaki Ekadashi. What is the name of Ekadashi that falls in the Krishna Paksha of Chaitra month? And what is his method? Please kindly satisfy my growing curiosity.

Lord Krishna said: O Arjuna! Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Chaitra month is known as Papmochani Ekadashi. Once upon a time, Prithvipati King Mandhata had asked the same question to Lomash Rishi, which you have asked me. So whatever sage Lomash told King Mandhata, that is what I am telling you.

King Mandhata asked Maharishi Lomash, the knower of the deepest mysteries of religion: O sage Shrestha! How is the redemption of man's sins possible? Please suggest such a simple remedy, so that everyone can easily get rid of sins.

Papmochani Ekadashi fasting story

Maharishi Lomash said: O Nripati! The name of Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Chaitra month is Papmochini Ekadashi. Many sins of human beings are destroyed by the effect of his fast. I tell you the story of this fast, listen carefully.

In ancient times there was a forest called Chaitraratha. Apsaras used to live there with eunuchs. There was always the spring season, that is, various types of flowers were always blooming at that place. Sometimes Gandharva girls used to live in Vihara, sometimes Devendra used to play with other gods.

In the same forest, a sage named Medhavi also used to be absorbed in penance. He was a devotee of Shiva. One day an Apsara named Manjughosha tried to take advantage of their proximity by fascinated them, so she started singing in a melodious voice by playing the veena at a distance.

At the same time, Shiva devotee Maharishi Medhavi also started trying to win Kamdev. Cupid made the bow of that beautiful Apsara's eyebrow. He made the sarcasm his Pratyana and made his eyes the commander of Manjughosha Apsara. In this way Kamadeva agreed to conquer his enemy devotee.

At that time Maharishi Medhavi was also in his youth and was very strong. He was wearing the Yagyopaveet and the punishment. He looked like another cupid. Seeing that sage, Manjughosha, who was under the control of Kamadeva, slowly started singing on the veena with melodious voice, then Maharishi Medhavi was also fascinated by Manjughosha's melodious song and its beauty. Knowing that Apsara Meritorious Muni was suffering from Kamadeva, she started hugging him.

Maharishi Medhavi, fascinated by her beauty, forgot the secret of Shiva and, being enamored of her work, started enjoying with her.

Due to the power of sex, the sage had no knowledge of day and night at that time and he continued to enjoy for a long time. Thereafter Manjughosha said to that sage: O sage! It's been a long time now, so allow me to go to heaven.

Hearing about the Apsara, the sage said: O Mohini! If you have come in the evening, leave when it is morning.

Hearing such words of the sage, the Apsara started rapturing with him. Similarly, the two spent a lot of time together.

Manjughosha one day said to the sage: O Vipra! Now you allow me to go to heaven.

This time also the sage said the same thing: O Rupasi! Not much time has passed yet, wait some more time.

After listening to the sage, the Apsara said: O sage! Your night is too long. Think for yourself how long it has been since I came to you. Is it worth staying longer?

Listening to Apsara, the sage realized the time and started thinking seriously. When he came to know about the time that fifty-seven (57) years had elapsed while enjoying him, he began to understand that Apsara as the form of Kaal.

He got very angry when so much time wasted in enjoyment and luxury. Now burning in fierce anger, he started looking at the Apsara who destroys the austerity. His limbs trembled with anger and his senses became uncontrollable.

In a trembling voice with anger, the sage said to the Apsara: The evil one who destroys my austerity! You are a great sinner and a very mischievous woman, shame on you. Now you become a vampire from my curse.

Due to the angry curse of Muni, she became Apsara Pishachini. Seeing this, she got upset and said: O sage! Now give up your anger on me and be happy and please tell me how this curse will be remedied? Scholars have said, the company of sadhus gives good results and I have spent many years with you, so now you should be happy on me, otherwise people will say that Manjughosha had to become a pishachini by living with a virtuous soul.

Hearing Manjughosha's words, the sage was very angry at his anger as well as feared his own reputation, so the sage, who became a vampire, said to Manjughosha: You have done me a great bad, but still I will tell you the way to get rid of this curse. . The name of the Ekadashi of the Krishna Paksha of Chaitra month is Papmochini. By fasting on that Ekadashi, you will be freed from the body of your demon.

Saying this, the sage explained to him all the rules of fasting. Then he went to his father Chyawan Rishi to atone for his sins.

Seeing his son Medhavi, the sage Chyawan said: O son! What have you done so that all your tenacity is destroyed? Because of which all your brilliance has become tainted?

 The meritorious sage bowed his head in shame and said: Father! I have committed a great sin by having pleasure with an Apsara. Because of this sin, probably all my brilliance and my tenacity have been destroyed. Please tell me the way to get rid of this sin.

The sage said: O son! You observe the method of Papmochini Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Chaitra month and fast with devotion, by this all your sins will be destroyed.

Hearing the words of his father Chyawan Rishi, the meritorious sage observed Papmochini Ekadashi methodically. All his sins were destroyed by his influence.

Manjughosha Apsara also got released from the body of Pishachini by fasting on Papmochini Ekadashi and again assumed her beautiful form and went to heaven.

Lomash Muni said: O king! With the effect of this Papmochini Ekadashi, all sins are destroyed. By hearing and reading the story of this Ekadashi, the result of donating one thousand cows is obtained. By observing this fast, the terrible sins of those who kill Brahma, steal gold, drink alcohol, go to inauspicious etc.

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